
World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD), which takes place on 10th September every year, is organised…Read more

Go Green for Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Support Islington charity, The Stuart Low Trust, with their campaign to go green for your mental health this…Read more

Nature and Mental Health – A Case Study

The Stuart Low Trust is launching a new series of inspiring videos about our…Read more

Coronavirus prevention: navigating the new normal

We are all adjusting to the new normal to try and prevent the spread…Read more

Friday Evening Events at SLT

We are delighted that our face-to-face Friday Evening Events are back. From April 2023, these…Read more

A New Home for The Stuart Low Trust – and relaunch of Friday evening events

SLT has a new home!   Our office and Friday Evening Events will move to…Read more

Camley Street Natural Park: A new partnership with London Wildlife Trust

In March 2022, SLT were delighted to partner with London Wildlife Trust, as part…Read more

Mental Health and Loneliness

Mental Health and feelings of loneliness very often go hand in hand. But loneliness…Read more

Conservation For Wellbeing

The Stuart Low Trust is delighted to announce a new Arts project ‘Conservation for…Read more

National Youth Theatre and Stuart Low Trust: A new Partnership for Younger Adults

SLT are thrilled to be partnering with National Youth Theatre (NYT) on a new Arts project “Material…Read more

Time To Talk Day: The Nation’s Biggest Mental Health Conversation

This year, Time To Talk Day takes place on 2nd February. It is the…Read more

Black History Month: Proud To Be

October 1st 2021 marks the beginning of Black History Month, widely regarded as one of the…Read more