Home grown: growing and enjoying nature at home

Enjoying nature at home

As the weather changes we may want to spend more time engaging with nature. Here are our top tips to do this safely, whilst social distancing:

  • Listen to natural sounds: As the weather gets warmer more migratory birds return to the UK so listen out for bird song. You may also hear other natural sounds, like the wind in the trees. Listen to recordings of natural sounds, such as whale songs, to relax.
  • Collect and explore natural materials: make the most of any leaves, flowers, feathers, stones, shells, bark, seeds or grasses. Use them to create some art or display them around your home.
  • Take a virtual tour: we’ve updated our list virtual nature visits, to include links to animal cams: Virtual Nature Visits

Tips on growing plants and vegetables at home

Studies have shown that growing plants boost mood and reduces stress. Lots of people living in London have limited space to grow plants so we’ve put together some tips for growing plants in your home.

Growing plants indoors

Homestead Brooklyn: encourages you to reconnect with nature, even if you live in a city. Read this guide to growing plants indoors.

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